Many people overlook SMS text messages that contain advertisements. Sometimes they are too long, while in other instances they are not constructed well enough to get someone interested in them. That is why if you are working in customer communications you must know how to create a hook that would keep people drawn towards the product you are advertising. Follow this article to see SMS marketing tips that will surely help you create better communication with your customers.
How do you create better communication with your customers?
There are multiple ways you can create more effective communication with your customers when it comes to marketing. You need to know what things keep them interested in your products and the updates that come with them. Messaging can be a very powerful marketing tool, but it needs to be done right. Here are some tips you must consider if you want good results.
1. Get a messaging management app
Embracing modern technology in your messaging should be the first step towards reaching your goal, and that is done by using the right app. As mentioned at, having the best software for these purposes will give you a variety of options and features in order to create a better communication line with customers. Messaging management apps will surely help you learn everything you need faster and they will give you tips on how to do everything in the most professional way while hooking old and dragging in new customers with every advertisement. Here are the features you should look for:
- Provides free support in case you get stuck on something or if anything goes wrong.
- Adaptive routing helps the message to be delivered faster.
- No hidden fees so you will always know what you are paying for and how much.
- Complete analytics to know exactly how your message is performing.
- Features omni channel messaging that helps you send rich content to, for example, Viber users.
- With SMS campaign tools for targeted campaigns that provide you with templates, unsubscribe links, CRM integration, and message previews.
- It has a global reach helping you reach out to customers all over the world
You have to engage your customers with SMS marketing texts. They need to know that you are sending the text to show them a great opportunity to score a good deal and make them act on the message they receive from you. Here is what you could write:
- Text-to-Win will immediately make the customer think they could win a prize meaning they will be more eager to reply to the messages that you send them. Entering a contest will surely engage them.
- Click here with a link towards the product that will have them interested. This is good because it spares them the trouble of going to your website in search of what you offer.
- Buy now to make them think about the limited opportunity. That is the best CTA button for targeted SMS texts. Once customers buy a certain product frequently you can send them a message with a Buy now button to make it easier for them.
- Show this text will make the customer get engaged more since they will have to show the message they received from you to get a discount.
- Text-to-Vote messages also work as text-to-win making them want to reply if they are interested in your products or services. This is a great way to get feedback.
3. Write clear messages
Every advertisement you send has to be plain and simple. Try writing it as short as you can, get right to the point, and don’t use additions like emoticons, abbreviations or caps lock. Also, make sure that your message is not open-ended, but be rather discreet with your customers. This means that you tell them exactly how long the promotion will last giving them information about when the sale will end. When your clients know what are the limitations of a certain promotion, they are more likely to consider buying.
4. Know who your customer is
Do research on your customer to know what they want. This could be done through their history especially if they are already your clients or through customer relationship management apps (CRM) that measures the success of your message, as it was shown with Messente. Create a highly curated customer profile presentation with all the details about the customer using attractive and comprehensive PowerPoint Templates. Look into the purchase history and where they are located and target the customer on a micro-level to make him feel like he is talking to a friend.
As you can see, SMS marketing can be done way better once you know how to do it properly. When you have apps and the knowledge the clients will always stay with you. Having a friendly tone and engaging text is everything you need. Use these advantages to enhance your business.
I’m is an owner of, blogger, Android and technology enthusiast. Individual who are educated in the IT and like to write according my scope.